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August General Meeting

  • Richmond District Democratic Club San Francisco, CA. 94121 (map)

Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 828 9615 7270
Passcode: richmond1!


1. Kelly Groth of Sup Chan's office: presentation re future of GGP safe/slow streets

  • Discussion, vote by club to agree/disagree with plan

2. Presentation by David Beaupre, Senior Development Project Manager for the Port of San Francisco
re: Waterfront Resiliency Project

  • Discussion for next steps/thoughts

3. Discussion on reaffirming commitment to believing survivors of sexual assault as RDDC

  • Possible action to draft statement

4. Discussion on RDDC position on blanket opposition to any misuse of recall elections (as is the current political climate we are in) 

  • Vote on club position

5. Follow-up on how to get involved with opposition to recalls of Governor and SFDA  

6. Discussion on Redistricting and what it means for District 1

  • Invite members that BOS appointed to speak at September meeting?

7. Updates on RDDC committees 

8. Misc: 15 min of open session for membership to voice concerns re: neighborhood, suggestions for club focus, etc.

Earlier Event: July 22
July General Meeting
Later Event: September 23
September General Membership Meeting