Zoom Link: https://us05web.zoom.us/j/82896157270?pwd=aDQvRFdZY1RvbzRKUkdPREUveUJhZz09
Meeting ID: 828 9615 7270
Passcode: richmond1!
1. Kelly Groth of Sup Chan's office: presentation re future of GGP safe/slow streets
Discussion, vote by club to agree/disagree with plan
2. Presentation by David Beaupre, Senior Development Project Manager for the Port of San Francisco
re: Waterfront Resiliency Project
Discussion for next steps/thoughts
3. Discussion on reaffirming commitment to believing survivors of sexual assault as RDDC
Possible action to draft statement
4. Discussion on RDDC position on blanket opposition to any misuse of recall elections (as is the current political climate we are in)
Vote on club position
5. Follow-up on how to get involved with opposition to recalls of Governor and SFDA
6. Discussion on Redistricting and what it means for District 1
Invite members that BOS appointed to speak at September meeting?
7. Updates on RDDC committees
8. Misc: 15 min of open session for membership to voice concerns re: neighborhood, suggestions for club focus, etc.